Significant uses of Bimatoprost

The solution of Bimatoprost is recommended for various reasons. It can prove to be quite useful in glaucoma therapies and for people having cosmetic issues. It has also been observed that people having chemotherapy treatments also take this solution as it promotes the growth of eyelashes and eyebrow. One of the most important things to note is that it has few side effects and more benefits. This is the major reason why people have been prescribed this solution and it has also been approved by FDA. The solution is mainly available as eye drops and females use these drops for fuller eyelashes so that they look more beautiful.

Bimatoprost solution is also recommended to those who have been struggling with ocular hypertension and open-angle glaucoma. It should be taken once in a day and it is very common among those people who cannot take any other treatments. It is suggested to take only 0.03 percent of the solution and it must be dropped in the upper eyelid properly. People may use it in higher dosage and this is one of the reasons why it must be taken in correct quantity. It is also recommended to those females who have been suffering from breast cancer because it is considered to be a part of randomized clinical trial study.

The hands must be washed properly before using Bimatoprost. When you are going to put in your eyes; you must tilt the head back slightly and pull down on the eyelid. The dropper must be placed right above the eye and the tip must be facing downward. You should gradually squeeze a drop into the eye. If you want to put second drop; you must wait for five minutes so that the first drop gets inserted properly into the eye. Because of the benefits; many health care providers recommend this to their patients.